15 June, 2007

There were these two dogs...

Couldn't resist this story. The article appeared in Thailand's 'Nation' newspaper:

Well, that's what you get if you pee on baggage or hump ladies' legs in airports. However, what they never tell you about airport sniffer dogs is that they are deliberately addicted to heroin (or whatever) so they will go to the ends of the earth to sniff it out. That's why each dog specializes in a certain drug.

Now that these 2 pooches have been quietly retired to a nice happy farm, the media will probably forget them. However, they'll continue to cost money to the farmer - dogs must eat, plus they have expensive drug habits to feed. My guess is that Fido may not be there in a few months from now. Where they go is anyone's guess, but here's mine...

scroll down..........


...keep going...


...you might not like this much..........



...there's still time to exit...




...OK, coming up now...


Lots of dogs get transported to Vietnam and China. This one was photographed in Vietnam's Van Phuc province. Tastes a bit like chicken... but not much.

I'm really, really sorry for whatever I did.
Would you like your slippers now?

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