George hopes to delay the final humiliation as long as he possibly can so that the next US administration can collect the blame - and as much of the cost as possible. Bush recalls 'that' embarrassing photograph of american GIs clambering onto that final helicopter as it lifted off the roof of the defeated american embassy in Saigon.. . ouch. "Never again", I recall reading in the headline back in 1975...
The Madness of King George. Here's his tax-payer funded mobile throne for his victory lap in 2008. Kim Jong Il wishes HE'D thought of it. If you think this is dumb, have look at the USA's secret weapon invented by Donald Rumsfelt.
...and he's got a plan for victory, but cain't quite pernounce...prununciate... prenoncify... (aw, shucks), he cain't SAY it real good.
And as for the 2008 Presidential election...
Voters in Australia do NOT need to vote according to party preferences.
You can vote for candidates in any order you choose.
That way he doesn't have to T-H-I-N-K.
The pissed-off Cat in the Cage is a metaphor for the day when Bush, Blair and Howard may be convicted at the War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague. I hear you laugh and say "It's not possible"... but YES, it is entirely possible. As we speak, precedents about genocide and other war crimes are being set. The only reason america is currently quarantined is because Bush has quarantined it - by simply asserting that the USA and its military do not recognise the International Court. That's how he's getting away with Guantanamo... but his false facade and bravado is merely chest-thumping and legally quite fragile.
It's all part of the bullying arrogance of the 600-lb gorilla that makes the world dislike Coalition members... and will eventually bring them to their knees - and to justice. Being full of your own self-importance will never make crime OK, and there are a lotta people out there with justified axes to grind.
(psst! HOW many people did you just say?).
Where's Harmonica Lewinsky when she's really needed?
(Guess which one is John Dubya Ducklips Howard)
Australians have a word for people who slavishly follow close behind their boss in order to obtain personal reward.
The rats will have to desert the sinking pier soon enough anyway. Why not do it SOON and save many lives? Surely australia's catholic-cult extremist Tony "The Pope" Abbott would have to agree that ¯Every Sperm is Sacred¯ Are sperms somehow LESS sacred (and MORE dispensible) once they develop into adult human beings? Let's see you wriggle out of that one, young Tone.
Speaking of cemeteries and exits, if you'd like to read more of my blogs on the American Oil War (the one the american media chooses to call the IRAQ war), click on any of the following links (each of which opens in its own window):
Bowing out like Beckham, Bush and Blair.
3+1=2: Adding MORE creates LESS. Bush’s arithmetic on the IRAQ withdrawal simply doesn’t add up.
War is too serious a matter to be left to mere military men.
Give up surfing, Bush. Time to head for the beach, pal.
It’s IRAQ, stupid…
Many more related links are located under the heading “Browse by Category” in the right-hand column of your screen. In an idle moment, why not check out all of america's other fun wars?
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